Friday, January 4, 2013

004: Jellybone Suit

ENTRY 004: Jellybone Suit

Jellybone suits are roughly humanoid, translucent bioplastic shells filled with an oxygen and nutrient-rich gel and nanite-crafted “wet machinery” that shapes flexible mechatronic components around the occupant. Jellybone suits are designed to allow biomorphs extended operation in extreme environments—an unaugmented flat in a jellybone suit could survive in outer space or the surface of Titan for up to 24 hours without further equipment. The soft and flexible outer membrane provides a degree of protection from damage, and seals small punctures automatically. Unlike traditional spacesuits, the suspension of breathing gases within the semisolid matrix of jelly-stuff, means that a single tear or rupture will not spell rapid doom for the occupant.

Jellybones are designed primarily as safety features, sometimes used on small spacecraft in place of proper (and bulkier) lifepods and the like. Mostly, they are reserved for children, tourists, and the elderly or fragile visiting violence-free but environmentally harsh locales on field trips or vacations. They are especially favored by the Jovian Republic, where the disapproval of augmentation and resleeving places extra incentive on non-invasive technological solutions. Indeed, the Jovian Republic is home to PinTek, the largest manufacturer of jellybones suits in the system.

When inactive, a jellybone suit is a malleable sphere or lozenge of colored translucent plastic filled with suspended ribbons of metal or plastic, and a small activation disc. Touching the activation disc causes the jellybones to slowly unfurl into a roughly humanoid shape over a period of a few moments, which the occupant then lays in, allowing the adaptive framework to flow over and shape itself to their form as it seals. The most disturbing part of the process is of course when the suit material flows into the lungs (or lung equivalents) to provide oxygen. Most instructional materials at this point suggest a burping-maneuver that forces the gas out of the user’s lungs while relaxing their chest muscles to allow the process to complete as quickly and effortlessly as possible. Removing the suit is a reverse of the process, beginning with the tube supersaturating the lungs with gaseous oxygen as it retracts to prevent drowning in the goo.

While not necessary to operate the jellybone suit, the onboard computer does offer drivers that the user may integrate into their personal electronics for more direct control. Jellybone suits typically mass between 30 to 50 kilograms, depending on the volume and mass of the recipient; children receive smaller suits, while adults receive larger suits. The default color for most suits is pink, though most colors are available on request.


Passenger Capacity
Movement Rate
Max Velocity
Wound Threshold
Jellybone Suit

The jellybone suit is vacuum-sealed, self-sealing if punctured, provides protection from temperatures of -180 to 140 C, a 2/4 Armor Value, and sufficient life support features to last 24 hours. Piloted by Pilot: Walker skill. [Cost: Low]

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